Google Search Works on Short Video From TikTok and Instagram


Google is experimenting with a new feature for its search engine that will allow you to search for short videos on Instagram and Tiktok platforms via Google search.

This new feature will allow you to search and access apps on both platforms without having to open them.

Some users already have this feature, and only the videos related to the teams in the NLF tournament, which is currently a popular American football tournament, will be available as search results.

When you search for a short video on the Instagram and Tiktok platforms, you will see a new section called short videos on the interface of the phone, and when you click on a video, the Google search feature will direct you to the web view of the platform that has that video Will be dealt with.

Google also hopes to add a few more short items and short video formats to the new feature, and Google plans to make this feature available to all users in the future with all these changes.

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