New Mobitel Max 123 Rupees : SLTMobitel has introduced a Mobitel 123 Rupees Package to its users. Mobitel MAX 7Day is a subscription based Prepaid add on plan, which allows you the freedom of talking without holding back for 7 days.
Already Mobitel has Mobitel Max Monthly Package which cost 295 Rupees which 30 days validity.
Let’s see about this
New Mobitel Max 123 Rupees Package Details.
- Voice minutes to any Mobitel – 250 Min .
- SMS to any Mobitel – 250.
- DATA in Mega Bytes – 1024MB (1GB).
- Validity 7 days from the date of subscription.

How to Activate SLTMobitel Max 7 Day (123/-) Package.
- Reload your account with Rs.123.
- Use Selfcare App.
(*if you have any recurring charges to be deduct from your account or a un settled loan value, priority will be given to those recurring charges or settling loan value before MAX 7Day plan)
Source : Mobitel