iPhone 13 Dialog APN Setting: Dialog 4G APN Setting for Apple iPhone 13 , iPhone 13 Pro and Pro Max.
Dialog has released iPhone 13 Series officially . You can check the Dialog iPhone 13 Prices also now
Refer the instructions given to configure the APN setting on your Dialog iPhone 13 Series.

iPhone 13 Dialog APN Setting
Go to Cellular Data section and enter below information
- APN: dialogbb (use small letters)
- Username:
- Password:
Go to LTE Setup (Optional) section and enter below information
- APN: (Leave Blank)
- Username: (Leave Blank)
- Password: (Leave Blank)
Enter the below details in MMS section
- APN: dialogbb (use small letters)
- Username:
- Password:
- MMSC: http://mms.dialog.lk:3130/mmsc
- MMS Proxy:
- MMS Max Message Size: 1048576
- MMS UA Prof URL: http://www.apple.com/mms/uaprof.rdf
Source : Dialog