National Fuel Pass Latest Update : Minister Kanchana Wijesekara Says the National Fuel Pass QR System will starts from Tomorrow (26th July 2022).

He Tweeted 7 Updates regarding National Fuel Pass System.
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Stations not equipped or having technical difficulties will follow the last digit & fuel quota allocation until the technical issues are rectified. 60% of the locations has already been equipped & tested and will be given a priority in fuel distribution.
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Stations not equipped or having technical difficulties will follow the last digit & fuel quota allocation until the technical issues are rectified. 60% of the locations has already been equipped & tested and will be given a priority in fuel distribution.
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Request all fuel station owners at CEYPETCO & LIOC to adopt the system immediately & distribution will be strictly enforced to fuel stations with the QR facilities by 1st of August. We request the public to register with National Fuel Pass & Support the initiative.
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Options will be given to users to register multiple vehicles with their business registration by the end of the week & to Government institutes to register. Divisonal secretaries will be given access to the platform to register generators, gardening equipment & other equipment.
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Police Dept & Divisional secretaries will be given access to register 3 wheelers, allocating each 3 wheeler to one specific fuel station. Ministry of Transport will be given access to register Busses allocating them to depots or fuel stations accordingly.
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Other services such as Health, Agriculture, Fisheries,Tourism, Industries & service providing sectors will be given access to the system to register their requirements & allocation of vehicles at fuel stations.
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From the 1st of August only the QR system quota will be in place & the last digit of number plate system & other allocations will be invalid. National Youth Corp & National Youth Council members & volunteers to assist the program at fuel stations for the next 10 days.
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